Top 5 Current IT_OT Applications for Edge Computing

This webinar will present the top 5 current IT/OT applications for edge computing touching on examples from regional data centers, control rooms, plant floors and remote locations.

How Edge Computing Solutions Converged OT and IT, and Shortened FAT_SAT Cycles for customer.

A global automation SI, proposed a fault tolerant Edge Computing solution to increase reliability of the company’s manufacturing operations. The solution dramatically simplified IT infrastructure and enabled the OT team to deploy and maintain new infrastructure without on-site IT support

Automation and Control Modernization- How to Improve Control System Reliability While Remaining Within Budget

How to consolidate computers that are past end of life (6 servers, 16 workstations, multiple software and operator interfaces) into a single Edge Computing platform.

How to Use Edge Computing to Protect Mission-Critical Monitoring & Control Operations

You’ll learn from this webinar how to meet your digitalization needs, how to manage standardization and scalability in your HMI/SCADA solutions, how to protect and integrate your disparate islands of automation, and how to achieve operational excellence.

Optimize HMI_SCADA - Virtualization with Edge Technology.

In this webinar, you will learn how to use Edge Computing to prevent downtime, break down silos and monitor and control from anywhere, using real life customer case studies.

Stratus ztC Edge Demo


You will have a clear understanding of why ztC Edge – a simple, protected and autonomous Edge Computing platform – is a modern computing standard for many OT and IT professionals.